Sunday, June 24, 2012

Little Burro Progress

We have been busy working on our Little Burro project. We have built an L shaped bench out of Sunflower Seed Board. We finished it with Vermont Natural Coatings Furniture Finish in gloss. It is looking great. I am going out today to see if I can find some fun vintage drapes to use as upholstery fabric for the seat. We are now priming the walls and the back door with AFM’s Transitional Primer. We will be painting one wall with Yolo’s Thrive 02 which is in the Yolo 2012 Summer pallet. We will then be using Yolo’s Imagine 04 for the back door and one of the side panels. We will also be doing a panel of Stucco Italiano’s plaster and one in American Clay. We just got the fantastic Agates that Interstyle made up for us. They are made from recycled glass and are produced locally. They are beautiful we have chosen a citrus green and an earthy grey mix. Next up we will be working on our cabinets and countertops.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Installing Wood flooring in the Little Burro

The flooring is going in the little Burro. Diana and Steven are having fun installing the floor. After reading all the instructions, it is going well. The flooring is FSC-certified Oak from DuChateau. Windsor is the style. It has been deep smoked, distresses, aged and has a hard wax oil finish. It is a stunning floor. We love the character rich colour. It is a floating floor so we have used a cork underlay and 6mm poly as a moisture barrier. We are gluing the T&G together with Tightbond polyurethane. It is solvent free glue.  Our little truck is really talking shape. It’s so exciting.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Little Burro Project Demo and walls

Our little burro project is well under way. We have gutted the inside removing all the insulation plywood and bookshelf that was there to start with.

We have put down a layer of poly as a moisture barrier on the floor and covered that with cork underlay ready for our floating FSC-certified floor. We are using Ultratouch insulation and then covering that with Green-E board for the walls. It is coming along very nicely. We are excited to get started on the finishes as they are the really fun parts.
We are well into the design stage and have started to gather all the materials we will need to create our little room.

Truck with Cork underlay. Before walls and shelving have been removed.

After all the old insulation, walls and shelving are out ready for all the great product we are going to use

Thursday, June 7, 2012

In January Greenwork bought a little Dodge propane truck called the 'Little Burro". We painted it all up in Greenworks green. We have been using it to pick things up or drop them off around town and parking it in different places as a traveling billboard of sorts. 

We kept seeing all these fantastic reno's of Airstreams in Dwell and we even had a customer that purchased products to renovate their own Airstream.
With this as inspiration we decided to renovate the Little Burro using the great products we sell.  We have big dreams like solar panels and a green roof. But we are starting out by creating a little room. The plan will be to take our truck to green events where people can get in and check out how all our products look and feel. We also just think its fun and a great way for us to get more experience using our products. We will be writing about the trials and tribulations of our little reno here so check back and look for us around town